The children who comes to study at our Purbapalli Education Centers are the local ones who resides beside the railways tracks. Their mothers are mostly single, deserted by their husbands, victims of domestic violence; so they cannot afford to send these children for academic assistance to cope up with their regular studies. Many of these children are also drop outs because of the social conditions they are subjected to.
ISW takes the initiative, send their teachers to the community to speak to these mothers, explain them the importance of education and bring these children to the center to coach them and help them to return back to school and complete their basic education.
ISW is now looking for a few resources which if donated can help and benefit these children immensely.
Markers & Duster
Notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, scales
Seating Mats
Small Portable Generator
Due to the outbreak of Covid 19, the education of these children has been immensely affected leading to loss of study hours. None of these children nor their mothers are able to afford even a smart phone. Hence education could not be imparted to them digitally. With the addition of these equipments, these children can come to our centers and take part in online studies and the local teachers can assist them.
The playing of videos along with audio will help the children who are visual spatial learners. ISW believes that since most of the children with whom we deal are generally the first generation learners, many a times, it has been observed that they lose interest very easily. Since we are in the 21st century and follow the dictum of 4Cs – Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking & Creativity; we must allow the children to be taught using the various methods so that we can tap multiple intelligence while imparting education to these children. The education model of ISW closely follow the Multiple Intelligence Model as propounded by Howard Gardner with the components included such as: verbal-linguistic, mathematical-logical, existential, naturalist, interpersonal, intrapersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, visual-spatial and musical. The main aim is to generate interest among the children so that they have a better learning experience which eventually helps in reducing the number of unfortunate drop-outs from regular schooling. ISW also provides sponsorship to these children, so that their education can continue uninterrupted along with proper nutrition. We closely follow the United Nations Sustainable Goal Nos. 2, 4, 5 & 6 in our project implementation.